
《坎巴拉太空计划 Kerbal Space Program》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.9.0

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6


《坎巴拉太空计划 Kerbal Space Program》是一款太空沙盒模拟类游戏,在游戏中,将由你来主导外星种族“坎巴拉人”的太空计划。你可以使用各式各样的部件,来根据现实中的空气动力学和轨道物理学原理组装能够飞行(或坠毁)的全功能航天器。把你的坎巴拉人乘员送入轨道及太空中(并保证他们存活下来),让他们去探索坎巴拉太阳系中的各个卫星和行星。建造基地和空间站,以拓展探险范围。



  • 使用各种你能想象到的方式来组装部件,用来打造飞船、火箭和载具。每个部件都有它自己的功能,它们都将对航天器的运行造成不同的影响。
  • 完全由你自主掌控飞船配置的调整,以执行复杂的飞行操作。
  • 管理好你的坎巴拉人乘员,这包括对他们的招聘和培训,还要将他们送上太空,让他们成为英雄。
  • 去寻找包含独特卫星和行星的完整星系,并进行大规模的详细地形探索。
  • 让坎巴拉人乘员走出飞船,进行“舱外”活动。
  • 将航天器对接在一起,用来建造空间站、巨型星舰,以及新行星上的地面基地。
  • 使用卫星来扫描地形,寻找生物群落和其他异常情况。
  • 建立通讯网络,使你的航天器与坎巴拉太空中心取得联系并进行通讯。
  • 研发出全新的科技,来帮你获取太阳系每个角落里的宝贵信息和资源,还有更多让你意想不到的惊喜!

OS:Windows 7 64-bit
Processor:Core 2 Duo
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:DX10 (SM 4.0) capable, 512MB VRAM
Hard Drive:3 GB HD space
OS:Windows 10 64 bit
Processor:Core i5
Memory:8 GB RAM
Graphics:DX10 (SM 4.0) capable, 1GB VRAM
Hard Drive:4 GB HD space





重大更新已发布2月13日周四Kerbal Space Program 1.9: “There’s No Place Like Home” is now available!

1.9.0 Changelog – BaseGame ONLY (see below for Making History and Breaking Ground changelog)

+++ Improvements
* Added Camera mode (unlocked camera movement controls) when game is paused in flight and you hide the UI.
* Adjust Kerbal ladder navigation to remove sliding and provide better automatic transition between ladders.
* Part Mass and Cost now clamp their value to avoid negative numbers results from Mass/Cost Modifiers – configured per part via minimumMass and minimumCost in each parts cfg.
* Revamped Kerbin scaled space planet.
* Implement single camera system when running in DX11 for improved performance.
* Add new part – FTE-1 Drain Valve to drain resources from attached parts.
* Add new Cheat option in the Debug Menu – Set Position to teleport a vessel to a position relative to the surface of a celestial body.
* Added medium and high Quality shader for Moho.
* Adjust Wheel brake setting and auto-friction to take into account Gee. Helps with rovers flipping over.
* Each KAL Window now persists its screen position with the KAL.
* KSPedia slides and assets now load on demand and are released when the KSPedia window is closed.
* Add handling for Ships folder in GameData/SquadExpansion where stock craft including DLC parts can be stored.
* Added Ultra Quality shader for Kerbin.
* Implement new Max Time Warp logic to allow faster warp rates when on rails. This is managed by gamesettings (ORBIT_WARP_MAXRATE_MODE = PeAltitude).
* Implement Limit modifier for altitude based Max Time Warp logic so players can tune when the mode is set to (ORBIT_WARP_MAXRATE_MODE = VesselAltitude).
* Change Default VesselSwitching Keys ( [ or ] ) to bypass debris and spaceobjects.
* Add Mod + VesselSwitching Keys ( [ or ] ) to include debris and spaceobjects.
* Add search box to career tech tree.
* Added High Quality shader for Kerbin.
* Created new textures with higher detail for Kerbin's low quality terrain shader.

+++ Localization
* Fix variant name in selector being cropped in some languages like Japanese
* Fix missing font character affecting some KSPedia slides in Russian.
* Fix missing font character affecting Orbit Info UI in Chinese.

+++ Parts
* Revamped Skipper engine.
* Revamped Mainsail engine with silver variant.
* BACC "Thumper" Solid Fuel Booster revamp.
* RE-M3 Mainsail (New "Full", "Mid" and "Bare" variants).
* RE-I5 Skipper (New "Shroud", "Truss Mount" and "Bare" variants).

+++ Bugfixes
* Fix tab key switching for columns in the settings screen, it will focus the first available item.
* Fix part filter showing no parts after switching between subassemblies, variants and simple mode.
* Fix renamed asteroids needing a scene change to update screen and kb info.
* Fix NREs where Breaking Ground Science VesselType should not be available without the DLC.
* Fix surface attach node handling on Part Variants.
* Fix action sets input losing focus when renaming and moving the mouse away from the input field.
* Fix errors EVAing in timewarp via crew hatch dialog.
* Fix additional launchsite CommNet stations being active even when those launchsites are not active in the currently loaded save.
* Fix shadows on KSC filler tiles when lights are shone on them.
* Fix NREs and oxygen timeliness checks resulting in kerbals dying when they shouldn't when no helmet on.
* Fix NRE pressing Ctrl-Z (undo) many times with symmetry part selected.
* Fix audio FX fade when objects move away from player's camera.
* Fix dV calcs for boosters with fuel flow priorities changed (specific use cases).
* Fix Discontinuity in texture mapping on the Mun with high quality shader.
* Fix Walkway textures around level 3 RnD building.
* Fix issue where symmetry could break when restoring a held part on a vessel and immediately placing the held part again.
* Fix Inputlock manager issue with MenuNavigation breaking single mouse clicks.
* Fix SAS target mode misalignment when control point is not the vessel root
* Fix NRE when deploying science experiments attached to debris when on EVA.
* Fix reentry FX.
* Fix target marker disappearing in the Ascent Tutorial.
* Fix Terrain shader causing crashes on AMD GPUs.
* Fix underwater fog.
* Fix log spam when player attempts to drag maneuver nodes backwards through patched conics crossing SOIs.
* Fix dV calcs on stages that have different tank priorities in the same stage.
* Fix manipulating maneuver nodes unhiding the Navball throughout gameplay.
* Fix NRE being generated when staging a service module inside of a fairing in liftoff during flight.
* Fix Kerbodyne S3-14400, Kerbodyne S3-7200 and Kerbodyne S3-3600 colliders being visible during Place Mode.
* Fix Rockomax Brand Adapter 02 being off-center.
* Fix Mastodon and Skiff bottom attach nodes being backwards.
* Fix issue with quicksaves loading active vessel about to crash causing the vessel to pass through the terrain. Quicksaves can no longer be made when the active vessel is about to crash into the ground (including EVA kerbals).
* Fix contract generation issues in Editor when reputation changes by allowing contract generation in Editor scene.
* Fix parachutes deploying on quicksave load or staging when set to only stage when safe and conditions are not safe.
* Fixed texturing being broken on corner of Bop.
* Fix part highlight remaining on parts when removed from action groups in the editor.
* Fix error when manipulating servos that are part of an action group
* Fix terrain texturing jitter on celestial body low quality shader when landing from Orbit.
* Fix mirror attach on bicouplers.
* Fix KSPedia Aircraft/Basics/Balancing act page slide missing in Chinese
* Fix opening the In-Flight Action Sets Editor unlocking vessel functions without a Command Module present in flight during gameplay.
* Fix the KAL-1000 curve starting below minValue for some parts.
* Fix Flight UI mode being locked during Time Warp.
* Kerbal Body collider adjusted to reduce collisions while on a ladder.

+++ Mods
* Add Per Kerbal PhysicMaterial Accessors for Modders so you can adjust each kerbals bounciness – SetPhysicMaterial, ResetPhysicMaterial.
* Fix Issue for mods when copying parts that had modified resource lists.
* Fix potential NRE in music player for mods.
* Set the KSP Assembly version correctly on game start so KSPAssemblyDependency will work for KSP versions.
* Added events for Action Groups in flight visibility changes so mods can handle any UI changes they need to in each mode
* Added Pause/UnPause events when the action groups show/hide in flight.
* Fix PQS.radiusmax not including some noise PQSMods in the calcs PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise and PQSMod_VertexPlanet. Should mean that radisumax is no longer below any vertex in most cases

Making History 1.9.0

+++ Improvements
* Added new stock vessels to be used in any game mode. Some of them are featured in stock missions.

+++ Parts
* Retuned Engine Plates mass and costs.

+++ Bugfixes
* Fix NRE when launching vessels with Breaking Ground Robotic parts and wheels in missions.
* Fix in mission builder where an NRE is generated when a flag planted in a pod triggers a node to destroy the same pod.
* Fix a truck collider in the Dessert Airfield.
* Moved the mission status check from the physics loop to the main game clock to prevent physics simulation being out of sync with respect to UI.
* The VAB and SPH should not be open in the stock Meet me in Zero G mission.
* Fix missions getting stuck if they have a mission briefing and the player changes scenes before closing the mission briefing dialog box.
* Fix scoring in Trouble in the Void stock mission.
* Body collider adjusted to reduce collisions while on a ladder for vintage suits.

Breaking Ground 1.4.0

+++ Improvements
* Blade controls are no longer instantaneous.
* Blades SAS support improved.
* Added new stock vessels to be used in any game mode.
* Add new kspedia slides.
* Blades auto-detect cyclic vs collective control mode based on location of rotation axis relative to the vessel center of mass, per control axis. Mode indicated in Rotation Control State group in Advanced Tweakables.
* Blade authority limiter default set to 3 degrees.
* Blades auto-detect inoperable control axis (rotation axis within 5 degrees of control axis).
* Blade rotation axis shown as green arrow in aero debug display. Length is logarithmically proportional to rotation velocity (vessel relative).

+++ Bugfixes
* Fix cargo part model getting stuck on screen when pressing altimeter buttons.
* Fix deployed science power kerbal trait text in AC tooltips.
* Fix NRE when launching vessels with Breaking Ground Robotic parts and wheels in missions.
* Fix heaviest part autostrut for robotic parts attached in reverse depending on ship part order.
* Fix potential NREs using rotate tool on robotic parts.
* Fix robotic part animations stutter changing Auto-shift state playing through KAL-1000.
* Fix robotic parts losing functionality when auto-restart is enabled.
* Body collider adjusted to reduce collisions while on a ladder for futuristic suits.


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