
《生化变种 BIOMUTANT》中文版百度云迅雷下载v1.5

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6


《生化变种 BIOMUTANT》是由Experiment 101制作的一款未来末日背景的开放世界动作RPG。游戏发行商THQ曾经发行过《暗黑血统》这样的大作,因此本作的质量可以说是相当令人放心了。游戏有着独特的武术风格的战斗系统,你能够选择近战或者射击玩法,也能够通过变异能力提高你的战斗力。玩家将在这个广阔的世界中任意探索,《生化变种》号称是设定在奇幻世界中的功夫武侠作品,玩将探索发现各种神奇动物、派系势力和光怪陆离的世界,玩家的目标就是要保护这个世界中的生命之树,在游戏中通过各种选择,玩家将会打出“好”结局,如果没有及时消灭摧毁树根的怪物,那么最后玩家就会得到悲惨结局。喜欢的话赶快来叽哩叽哩下载吧!



  • 不一样的第三人称战斗
  • “进化”出自己的游戏玩法
  • 制造物品的新高度
  • 穿上装备冒险吧
  • 在充满活力的开放世界中生存
  • 不一般的故事不寻常的结局。

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)
处理器: AMD FX-8350 or Intel Core i5-4690K or newer running at 3.5 GHz or higher
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: 4 GB Direct3D 11 capable video card – GeForce GTX 960 or Radeon R9 380
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 25 GB 可用空间
声卡: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
附注事项: Keyboard, mouse and an internet connection for Steam.
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10 (64bit)
处理器: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 or Intel Core i7-6700K or newer running at 3.2 GHz or higher
内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡: 6 GB Direct3D 11 capable video card – GeForce GTX 1660Ti or Radeon RX 590
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 25 GB 可用空间
声卡: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
附注事项: Keyboard, mouse and an internet connection for Steam





定期更新 已发布 6月18日周五 BIOMUTANT Post-release Patch 1.5 18/06/2021

Here is the full changelog for the patch that we just launched, the entire patch will roll out on PC first and then Consoles as soon as possible, will ofc give an update when it is launched there.
As always do feel free to come to discuss these changes on the official discord here – Biomutant discord
PC Specific
● Added “Field of View Type” setting for selecting between horizontal and vertical Field of View. Vertical Field of View is useful when using a wider monitor to get the correct aspect ratio. By default, the Field of View is set to be horizontal.
● Fixed crash when temporarily losing contact with the GPU.
● Increased level cap from 50 to 100.
Items & Loot
In order to improve the looting experience, we’ve tweaked how the loot generation works to reduce duplicate items and improve variety. We have also added several new items which have higher stats than their lower rarity counterparts. This means that an item found with a certain rarity can also be found later with a higher rarity and much improved stats.
And to top it off we have also added a much-requested scrap action to the loot screen, which should reduce time spent cleaning up the inventory.
● Added more superb loot variations.
● Added higher tier relic and legendary weapon parts that will start dropping at level 50.
● Updated loot generation to provide more variation and less duplicate items.
● Added scrap action to loot screen.
● Added settings for hiding or showing head items.
● Increased damage of later tribe weapons to better fit player level and gear.
● Removed addon slots from special gear that can’t be scrapped, lost or crafted with.
● Fixed issue which allowed an unlimited material supply to be gained from crafting.
● Fixed Missile Cloud to correctly fire on every fourth shot during Rapid Shot in Super
● Updated Saw Blades to have a lower spread, higher velocity and correct pierce through enemy behavior.
● Fixed Pichu Nanchuk being hidden in inspect mode.
● Fixed issue where it was possible to equip another one-handed weapon when the Pichu Nanchuk was already equipped.
● Fixed issue which caused Valve addon to have higher stats than intended.
● Reduced resistance values for Ancient Pants to make other gear more viable.
● Fixed favorite consumables quick menu being scrambled when there are no free slots available.
● Fixed Automaton Health Injector cooldown being reset when using Automaton Boost resulting in Automaton Health Injector only being refilled after resting.
● Added “HUD > Mode” setting where it’s possible to select either “ALWAYS SHOW” or “DYNAMIC”. Selecting the “DYNAMIC” option hides the persistent UI elements after a while outside combat. When “DYNAMIC” is selected the player can open either menu or quick menu for the UI elements to show up temporarily. By default, the old “ALWAYS SHOW” behavior is selected.
● Added “Quick Menu Toggle” accessibility setting. When enabled the player isn’t required to hold down the corresponding input to open the quick menus in order to e.g. use a consumable or swap weapons. Instead, the quick menus will open and close by tapping the corresponding button.
Dialogue & Narrator
● Changed so the “Just a few moves left… make them count.” narration is played with a chance after the first time.
● Fixed issue where the Conscience voice over was disabled when using the setting “DIALOGUES > Narrator”.
● Fixed issue where Conscience characters would perform their animations in slow motion.
● Fixed first narrator voice line after character presentation in child village not playing when gibberish was disabled.
● Fixed dev-marker erroneously appearing in Popsi’s dialogue text.
● Added optional Lock-on targeting for melee combat.
● Added attack animation-canceling to certain moves by using dodge.
● Added ability for smaller enemies to throw rocks at the player when mounted.
● Added chance for the player to be knocked off their mount when hit.
● Added fleeing behavior to player mounts when in combat.
● Tweaked the Porky Puff double-boulder throw attack. Now it’s possible to dodge the second rock after being hit by the first one.
● Fixed issue where the player could get stuck in grab animations.
● Fixed Invincibility perk damage multiplier.
● Fixed Stimulus perk damage multiplier.
● Fixed cases where Airstrike would sometimes miss when using Klonkfist.
● Fixed jump attack preventing ranged attacks while airstriking.
● Fixed Rad Wisps being spawned while in menus.
● Fixed Lupa-Lupin camp intro cinematic being played when in combat
● Fixed issue where escorted characters were attempting to target already defeated enemies.
● Fixed issue which caused Pichu goons to only use kick attacks. Now they use their Pichu Nanchuks properly.
● Fixed issue where rocks thrown using Telekinesis would not deal damage.
● Fixed critical hits from abilities not showing red damage numbers.
User Interface
● Added indicators for completed area objectives on the Map.
● Added pinned indicator to items used in outfits.
● Fixed equipped indicator showing incorrect item after selling another item.
● Added paused playtime when in the system menu or when the game is deactivated.
● Added initial quest tab selection which opens either “Main” or “Side” quest tab based on the tracked quest.
● Fixed overlapping UI when changing tab directly after fast travel.
● Updated the transport menu with smoother transitions and removed the camera fades in-between selections.
● Fixed issue where pressing the map button would not close the map and bring you back to the game.
● Fixed percent stats not being capped at 100%.
● Fixed XP bar not being hidden when at max level.
● Fixed MkTon sometimes not spawning when talking to Gizmo.
● Fixed “Lupa-Lupin’s Lair” not being completable after loading a save.
● Fixed issue where bandit camp quests sometimes would not be completed.
● Fixed issue where bandit camp captains sometimes would not spawn.
● Fixed issue where Lotus Captain quest could be given multiple times which prevented consecutive quest copies from being completed.
● Fixed issue where defeating Bompa Bonker before starting the corresponding quest would prevent the player from completing the quest after saving and loading.
● Fixed issue where some unique quest rewards did not get correct Material and Quality, resulting in them sometimes not having correct stats.
● Fixed puzzles being usable through walls using Klonkfist.
● Fixed issue where the player could change the allied tribe after meeting with either Gizmo, Goop, Whiz or Noko although the first outpost hadn’t been captured.
● Fixed Batnam-nam being able to receive player damage.
● Fixed “Eyes on the Prize” which couldn’t be completed after loading a save game.
● Fixed issue where the player could get stuck during an outpost capture when using the Klonkfist on the oil tanks.
● Fixed issue where the player was able to interact with a certain Lumen Shrine during combat.
● Fixed issue where all rival tribe weapons were not claimable when using tribewar shortcut.
New Game+
● Added modifiers which somewhat increase the difficulty after starting a NG+ game and also additionally for each new subsequent NG+ loop.
● Fixed Aura score not being reset when starting a NG+ game.
● Fixed Plank Resources being reset when starting a NG+ game.
● Added respawning enemies to some areas.
● Increased spawn rate for random encounters.
● Moved wrecked-ship to the correct Map location.
● Fixed Bio Nucleus 6D area objectives not being completable.
● Removed locked door blocking access to area objectives in Bangshelter 9H.
● Fixed a car that couldn’t be looted in Bangshelter 3J.
● Fixed a door in Bangshelter 2G so the Anti-Radiation suit can be received.
Crash Fixes
● Fixed crash when a character receives damage.
● Fixed crash when player is forced to exit the MkTon.
● Fixed crash when player climbs up on an enemy.
● Fixed crash when launching towards an enemy.
● Fixed crash with narrator commentary.
● Fixed appearance not being reset when reverting character mutation changes.
● Fixed issue causing the player to take hazard damage while appearing to have maximum resistance.
● Removed bright spots from the post process that were always visible.
● Fixed missing “EXTREME” label on extreme difficulty save files.
● Fixed issue where Brogg could choke on Gullblimp and cause the player to become stuck.
● Fixed issue which allowed Fungi to be spawned on oil.
● Fixed some attack sounds having incorrect volume.
● Increased free-fall duration needed for mounts and the player to trigger a hard landing.
● Fixed jitter during mounting animation.
● Fixed issue where the MkTon door at gizmo sometimes would be incorrectly closed.
● Fixed issue where reload animations would trigger and conflict during cinematics.
● Fixed issue where an incorrect prompt was shown when using the Klonkfist on moth nests.


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