
《彩虹小马:格斗就是魔法 Thems Fightin Herds》英文版百度云迅雷下载v2.1.2

叽哩叽哩单机游戏 AL6


《彩虹小马:格斗就是魔法 Thems Fightin Herds》是一款2D格斗类游戏,该游戏也拥有独特的新系统,赋予了这些四条腿角色很多有趣的攻击动画。包含了两种游戏模式,分别为故事模式和对战模式,在故事模式中玩家可以选择一名角色开始战斗,战斗采取三局两胜制,当连胜同一名对手两次之后即可开始和下一名对手的战斗,游戏提供的对战模式支持两名玩家自由对战,两名玩家可以自由选择战斗的人物和战斗的场景。喜欢的话赶快来叽哩叽哩下载吧!



Juggle Decay-无限预防系统,可在不施加硬限制的情况下管理组合长度。
GGPO Netcode-几乎没有输入延迟就可以在全球范围内作战。

操作系统: Windows 7
处理器: Dual-core CPU (2 GHz or greater speed)
内存: 2 GB RAM
显卡: Intel Core i3 550 Integrated graphics chipset or equivalent.
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
操作系统: Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
处理器: Dual-core CPU (2 GHz or greater speed)
内存: 3 GB RAM
显卡: A dedicated GPU (Nvidia or AMD) with at least 750MB of VRAM strongly recommended
DirectX 版本: 10
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间






小型更新/补丁说明 已发布 6月23日周三 Patch Notes – Version 2.1.2

This update addresses a few bugs introduced in the last update and adds some small but important Pixel Lobby quality of life changes we’ve been meaning to get to for awhile!
Servers hosts will be required to update, and despite there not being any gameplay changes there may be some compatibly issues between replays in this version and last.
Remember that STC Event #3 takes place this Saturday! For details on how to watch or sign up, go here.
Known Issue: “Palette Bug”
We’re aware that some players are occasionally seeing scrambled character palettes, which look as if one character has copied the colors of the opponent and applied it to their own color zones, which don’t match up.
We don’t know exactly what’s causing it yet, but in this update we’ve added some diagnostics to help us smoke out a solution.
These palette errors will now look VERY ugly and obviously broken, but contain coded information for us. Please report these horrifying palettes mixups when you see them! They’ll help a lot!
Button Config (infight only): Fixed the Button Display Type option not having arrows (to show it can be toggled).
Fixed players showing a 4K resolution in Video Options despite not having a 4K display.
Fixed a variety of rare crash situations.
New Main Menu Options
V-Sync (in Video Options).
Leaving V-Sync ON is recommended for all players to prevent screen tearing. Disable only if FPS is capping at 30 or if G-Sync/FreeSync options are available.
Previously, we had been advising players experiencing the 30fps cap to enable exclusive fullscreen to fix the problem, but now we encourage players to try disabling V-Sync instead.
Controller Deadzone (Gameplay Options). Previously this was locked to 30%.
This option allows the player to adjust the amount of force required to input directions using an analog stick. Does not affect menus. Applies to both players, currently.
Controller Select
More Controllers. The game now officially recognizes up to 8 controllers plugged in at once. Previously, the game only saw 2.
This was causing players using controller emulators like vjoy to not be able to make it past the initial controller select screen. Now, it shouldn’t be a problem.
The controller select screen has a new look.
In this UI revision we had to remove the “controller type” artwork (a casualty of the 1080 update), but we plan to put in proper artwork in a future update.
Fixed slow-mo playback causing slow pause menu unpausing.
Training Mode
There is now a launch parameter to disable the onscreen recording status icon during dummy recordings: -disable-record-status-symbols.
Combo Training: Fixed short hop input displays not adapting to side.
Classic Lobby
The Classic Lobby now provides more detailed error messages when connections fail. Previously it would say “version mismatch” for everything no matter what.
Pixel Lobby
The names of server mods are now colored yellow on the overworld like they are in Text Chat.
Fixed Arizona having a small line through her neck in the Wardrobe preview.
Refixed a wall/pot layering issue in Paprika’s Lobby.
Online Training: The bottom hintstripe has a new look.
New Feature: Spam Protection. Sending 3 messages in Text Chat or Quick Chat (emotes) within 3.5 seconds locks a player out from chatting for 6 seconds. Mane6 staff and server mods are exempt from this restriction.
Muting players now extends to Text Chat, Quick Chat, and status popups. Previously, it only affected Voice Chat.
The Text Chat now displays twice the amount of lines when open.
The Text Chat UI now shows a button glyph nearby that conveys how to open it.
Fixed not being able to use the mouse to open and scroll through Text Chat (we had broken this in the last update, sorry).
Fixed Text Chat not respecting international characters that were previously supported (Hiragana/Katakana and Cyrillic.)
Fixed the outer stroke of Text Chat characters layering over other letters.
Fixed a strange Text Chat appearance when position is set to “Right”.
Fixed not being able to Quick Chat during certain phases of matchmaking.
Salt Mines
Fixed the wave progress bar not being reset on subsequent entry.
Known issue: It is still not displaying the correct colors exactly. It should be showing the color from the next level underneath, but currently it’s showing the previous. Should be fixed in a near-future update.
Remodeled the Salt Mines exit room in Oleander’s lobby, primarily to fix a strange issue causing the player sprite to disappear mysteriously when positioned in certain sections of the room.
Fixed doors in the Salt Mines triggering too early.
Fixed a color zone error on Arizona’s leg (for gradient palettes) during her low gethit animation.
Fixed various minor, miscellaneous defects across a few animations.
Fixed missing underbelly color zone on jC animation.
Fixed misaligned leg piece on outro animation.
Fixed misplaced color zone on intro transition animation.


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